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Hawk FX

"Hawk FX was founded by two colleagues, Greg and Vatsal, who between them have more than 25 years experience helping businesses and individuals navigate pitfalls successfully when making international money transfers to save them thousands of pounds. Our Corporate Solutions will help your business take control of your foreign currency exposures and reduce your transaction costs. Our Personal Client Solutions provide jargon-free guidance at every stage to ensure the whole process is fast, efficient and secure giving you peace of mind that you are getting excellent exchange rates and protected against currency market volatility. Harnessing disruptive technologies, we are dedicated to bringing the same business platinum support and guidance, previously the afford of big business to ambitious SME’s and indviduals. To find out how we could help your business or just ask me a question, call me on +44 (0)330 380 30 30 or email"

| Currency Transfer | Foreign Exchange | Financial Services | Finance

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Indus Valley
One of the global pioneers of 100% pure and organic, chemical-free beauty care products for body, skin and hair, Indus Valley has been offering thought-provokingly effective alternatives to chemical based beauty care. The brand has been endeavoring for 25+ years as a global manufacturer of nature based personal care products and cosmetics, maintaining consistency in quality deliverance with its in-house processing in Shimla (Himachal Pradesh), compliant with the internationally renowned GMP and ISO standards of production. Our products go through rigorous international certifications like—USDA Organic, ECOCERT, India Organic and Bio-Natural. Many of our products also come certified as edible by FSSAI. Customer reviews indicate that our brand is highly trusted and admired by users across the globe. All our products are cruelty-free and vegan as we do not conduct any kind of animal testing. With utmost care for maintaining ecological balance, while working with a clean and green production technology, we enthusiastically aim to establish newer standards for the herbal care industry.
aapki aawaaz
Apki aawaaz is the Leading Studio in India for Voice Recording Studio. Studio specializes in Voice Over talent that understand the difference between just reading a script and really communicating the information e-learners need to comprehend and retain. Voice Recording Studio provide voice over production into various regional and international languages. Contact us today Or visit:
Bep cong nghiep inox Anh Huy Truong
Bep cong nghiep inox Anh Huy Truong - don vi san xuat, phan phoi va thi cong thiet bi inox chuyen nghiep cho he thong bep cong nghiep, bep nha hang, bep khach san, quay bar. Chung toi cung cap san pham gia re, ho tro lap dat va tu van mien phi. Hay den voi CONG TY TNHH SX TM DV XNK INTERNATIONAL ANH HUY TRUONG de kham pha nhung giai phap toi uu cho khong gian bep cua ban. Chung toi tin rang se la doi tac tin cay va dong hanh cung ban tren con duong thanh cong. Hotline: 0907197421 - 0352700127 (Ms.Đầy)